Tea (Chai) 3 way | Milk Tea | Home Made | Recipe

Tea is a beverage that originated in China and was brought to India around 500 BC. Tea is known to have medicinal properties and is often consumed after meals. In India, tea is considered a social drink and is often enjoyed at home or while out shopping. There are many different types of tea including black, green, white, oolong, and herbal teas. Each type of tea has unique characteristics and uses. Today’s focus is on the the most common type of tea served in India i.e. milk tea (black tea with milk).

There are many recipes to make the tea however we are focusing on 3 different type of flavours of milk tea.

1. Classic Tea (Chai) | Milk Tea

classic tea

This is the most common and basic type of tea. Mainly consists of the bare minimum ingredients i.e. Black Tea leaves, Sugar, water, and milk. It is loved in every household. Often served as a welcome drink for guests, it is also enjoyed after meal. Mostly made with milk, in some instances milk is replaced with milk powder which is mixed separately after black tea is prepared and served in the cups.

2. Ginger Tea (Adarak Chai)

ginger tea

Making the classic milk tea with an additional ingredient, ginger, this tea is best utilized during winter season. Ginger in tea provides a very distinct flavour as well as helps clearing out sour throat. People with cold are often served ginger tea to relax the throat itchiness and provide relief.

3. Masala Tea (Masala Chai)

masala chai

We have made classic tea, we have made ginger tea, and now we are taking a step further and adding a mixture of herbs in the tea to give it a fantastic flavour that appeals not just to the throat and nose, but also known to improve immunity in the body. Behold, Masala Tea. A mixture of Cardamom, Cloves, Cinnamon, Black pepper, and ginger powder is added during the tea preparation and it becomes a go to tea during all our winter hikes.

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Adjust Servings
2 tsp Black tea leaves
4 tsp Sugar
100 ml Water Depends on the size of the serving tea cups. In this case add 2 tea cups of water for 4 cups of tea
100 ml Milk 2 tea cups full for 4 cups of tea
1 inch Ginger piece Crushed/Grinded
4 pieces Cardamom Crushed
2 pieces Cloves No more than 2 is required
10 pieces Black pepper Crushed
½ inch Cinnamon stick Crushed



Classic Tea

Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of water in a container on stove and turn on the heat. Add 2 tsp full of black tea leaves, 4 tsp sugar, and bring it to a boil.
Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of milk and simmer the flame. Let it boil for 2-3 mins. Then turn off the stove and pour the tea in 4 cups. Serve Hot
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Ginger Tea

Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of water in a container on stove and turn on the heat. Add 2 tsp full of black tea leaves, 4 tsp sugar, 1 inch crushed ginger and bring it to a boil.
Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of milk and simmer the flame. Let it boil for 2-3 mins. Then turn off the stove and pour the tea in 4 cups. Serve Hot
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Masala Tea

Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of water in a container on stove and turn on the heat. Add 2 tsp full of black tea leaves, 4 tsp sugar. In a mortar and pestle put 4 cardamom, 2 cloves, 10 black pepper, ½ inch cinnamon stick, and crush them well (or make a powder).
Add the crushed ingredients with ½ tsp ginger powder into the container and bring it to a boil. Add 100 ml (or 2 tea cups full) of milk and simmer the flame. Let it boil for 2-3 mins. Then turn off the stove and pour the tea in 4 cups. Serve Hot
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Milk powder can be used as an alternate to milk in case of unavailability
If ginger poweder in not available then a crushed ginger works just as good.
Adjust sugar and milk to your liking.

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